Why is music so important in our human lives?

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Music is regarded as the world's universal language, the beat, the music.

It's not a certain statement or fact on how humans discovered music or how they have developed.

People perceive music differently music to some can be a racket some a beauty, some; what they make for a living

Music takes a percentage of our lives and will always, they way and rhythm we speak, walk and how we do things. It has had an influence on our lives and how we think as people and as a nation.

"Music is drug..." Bono U2

Music is power and it is a power some misuse this by conveying rebeliuos messages.

Music can be by anyone about anything and can be moved by any genre of music.

It is the mind of us and the hearts of us all. Music sticks it's overwhelming.

Who can rely on the music industry?

Is it a gift? a talent? an idea?

Musics' a wild animal, pushing, shoving, powerful and each beat has it's reason.

Never look at music the same way again.

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