Seattle, WA for Europeans espacially for Germans

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Now this entry was written after my visit to Seattle. I have to say that it was my first trip to the United States of America, so i have put in some things you should know if you were never in the States before.

I was very impressed by Seattle, all those big buildings (as i mentioned before it was my first trip to the USA), the mountains on the east and the ocean on the west, it all seems to fit.

First some tips for firsttime visitors of the USA:

What you should know is that cold drinks in the USA are really very cold! There is nothing like i know it from germany that you get a glass full of beverage and two or three ice cubes in it.
At first the glass is filled with ice and only after that the beverage is filled in. So what you will get is in fact ice with taste.
You should bring a fat wallet with you because almost everything is very expensive.
And last but not least: Bread! I never thought that i would love bread so much, but if you can't get real bread you will miss it, belive me!
All i got in the hotel was english muffins. And the bread in the supermaket was a little better but it all has the consistence of toast .

Now what about Seattle. I have only seen Downtown Seattle which is really nice.
If you are interested in Rock and Blues music you should visit the Experience Music Project ( Learn all about Jimmy Hendrix, the Seattle music scene, play along with Nirvana, record your own cd, and many more.

Another must is to visit the Space Needle on a clear day. You can look around and if it is a really bright day you may see Mt. Rainier above the city skyline.

If you take a boat tour i recommend to take a locks tour. It would be nice if you have good weather on that tour, maybe you can see the mountain (i saw it not). The locks tour leads you from the port of seattle into the pudget sound and through the locks which separate the sound from Lake Washington/Lake Union into Lake Union along the house boats to the end of the voyage, where a bus avaits you and takes you back to the pier.

Shopping can be done all over downtown but you can not visit Seattle without visiting Pike Place Market where you can buy almost everything and of course fresh fish.

There are more things you should look at, for example the Seattle Aquarium or one of the IMAX Domes (Seattle Aquarium, Pacific Science Center), which i maybe describe another time, so i hope you enjoyed this short trip to Seattle, have fun and goodbye.

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