mother teresa vs. princess di

1 Conversation

ok. so everyone hates diana, and the press rip her apart every morning for years... and then she dies, and everyone's like 'oh-my-god-she-was-like-a-sister-to-me' which is a bit daft if you ask me, and completely uncalled for. And on every radio station, television channel, billboard, newspaper, book, video and audio tape for the next year, there's some reference to diana and how great she was. forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a big hoo-ha, just months before she died, about the queen wanting her the hell out of the royal family, and basically not many people liking her? I remember that. I don't think the rest of the british population does.

So then I'm thinking...wait a minute... so if I want everyone to think I'm great and talk about me for years, all I have to do is die. Right??

Wrong. Because then Mother Teresa, arguably the more saintly of the two, dies. And does anyone care?? NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. The people of Calcutta are obviously fairly gutted, but the press hardly cares about them. They figure 'Oh, we'll give her a state funeral and then they'll be happy, and then we'll like, forget she ever lived'. And I'm wondering if this is fair. I don't think it is.

Lets weigh it up. Diana gives lots of other people's money to high-profile charities, and swans around minefields looking glamorous. I could do this. Mother Teresa selflessly devotes her life to other people, and wears a tea-towel on her head. This I could not do.

It's all in the image, which pisses me off. I'll bet if Diana was wrinkly, leathery and wore dodgy sandals and tea towels, no one would have given a s**t about her either.

Well, just for the record, I want to say 'Mother Teresa... I loved you girl!! I thought you rocked.'

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