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"Danny!! Danny!! Danny!!"

This was the moment Dan Thomas had been waiting for all his life.

"The wait is nearly over folks," came a voice over the loud speaker.

His, first and perhaps only chance to get that which he had desired his entire life.

The voice continued "What can I say about this guy,"


"He has only been on the scene five minutes, and yet his songs are selling like wild fire"

Dan's heart was pumping like drummer gone mad, though with the screaming and chanting noises from croud combined with the adreneline rushing through his body he barely noticed it.

"Dan has been compared with the best in the business, but lets be honest theres only one of him..."

He felt numb. He could barely feel the strings on his electric guitar.

"Let me introduce..."

But he was now ready.

"...Danny Thomas".

The crowd went up another level of volume. "Danny!!!!Danny!!!!"


"Ratttaatttaa!!!! Boom!!!!"

The noise in the background was defening. Alan Jones, couldn't move. He knew he would soon have to. But it seemed impossible. He felt like he was listening to things underwater. He could hear a voice.

"Alan!!", a face he recognised came in to focus. A friend and superior. "Sergeant Jones, snap out of it!".

Lieutenant Archie MacAndrew had been his friend since the start of the fighting, when they had both been posted to this trench.

Alan began to focus : "Erm...yes sir. Sorry!"

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