Heroes of Legend; Timeline

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A note on measurement

The timeline is measured in two distinct forms. The first is PN (Pre-Nuln, before mankind became a powerful race) and CC (Current Calender).

The Chronology of Gaia

20,000PN: Eidolons form Gaia.
16,000PN: Chaos Gods are formed. War of The Gods begins.
15,000PN: Chaos Gods are defeated. War of The Gods ends. Eidolons begin to create the races of gaia, allowing them to evolve naturally.
15,000-3,000PN: Races evolve to resemble modern entities. Two distinct races appear; the Elves and the Dwarves. Men also evolve, but remain primitive. Hostile races; Orcs, Goblins and Uruk-Hai, also form. Eidolons allow them to live, to allow the natural balance to continue.
3,000-0PN: Eidolons create the Eldar, a master race based on the Elves. Eldar are taught the art of magic.
200PN: N'kai, Prince of the Eldar, is born.
180PN: Tal'Set, Prince of the Eldar, is born.
160PN: War of The Beard begins.
150PN: Galadriel, Princess of the Eldar and sister of Tal'Set, is born.
0PN: Nuln rises to power in the old world. He raises a massive army and, within a year, conquers the entire Uruk-Kingdom. This kingdom becomes known as Evadia. Nuln Ascends to the Heavens, to join the Eidolons.
200CC: War of The Beard ends, and the War of Chaos begins. Evadia, which had expanded to conquer most of the Old World, is crippled in the war, and retreats to the boarders now held today.
300CC: War of Chaos ends. With most of the Eldar dead, the throne of Ulthue passes to the first Elven Phoenix King. Most of the Surviving Eldar flee across the ocean, leaving N'kai, Tal'Set, Ulthuan and Galadriel behind. Galadriel goes on to rule the Wood Elves, Tal'Set and Ulthuan become Corsairs. N'kai leaves for the Chaos Wastes.
300-400CC: The Empire of Sigmar is founded on the ramains of the Evadian Empire. A long war begins between the two countries, but eventually ends in peace.
380CC: Malekith, the Witch King, attempts to overthrow Ulthue. He fails, and his people flee to Naggaroth. Ulthue is wreaked in the process, and the land of Naggarythe, N'kai's homeland, is destroyed.
400CC: N'kai returns to the Old World. He sees what has befallen the Elves, and disowns them. He becomes a mercenary, and refuses to return to Ulthue for 3,000 years.
[More dates coming later]
5,200CC: Present Day.

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