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A good way to share your embarassingly bad taste in music with a small number of people. Most of them will be high on brains and low on personal skills.

Shoutcast is a way to stream mp3 content over networks. It is much like radio, in that it broadcasts music for free, but there are some easy ways to tell the difference.

Radio stations are run by professionals who are paid to do this and often have degrees that certify their ability and training.
Shoutcast stations are run by people who can afford a computer and internet access.
To listen to radio you need a fiver and a mall. (You must possess the fiver, but you only need be near the mall.)
To listen to shoutcast you need about a grand for a computer and internet access.
On radio you can hear 18 songs anywhere you are.
On shoutcast you can hear almost any form of music, and a few forms of non-music. You can hear the aforementioned 18 songs, as well as what seems to be an argument among gorillas set to electric guitar, an awesome band in your favorite genre that YOU CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE, and the songs of Charles Manson.

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