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Cars were formed as a way to get from point "A" to point "C" without having to spent so much time in point "B" (point "B" has a high car-jacking record as a result of this). The majority of Cars are powered by gas using a combustion engine, developed not too long ago. As it stands today, it takes alot of monitary units to buy a car. Many cars come with distractions that help you forget that you are driving at all. Due to this, accidents are a common sight on highways and other roads. Alcohol consumption and yelling out the window is not advised while driving a car (thats what the passenger is for). Many drivers think that they are indestructable, especially Volvo drivers. Volvo drivers can be seen weaving in and out of traffic going 90mph with a cell phone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other, blasting Jimmy Buffet from their car stereo. Volvo drivers are almost as bad as SUV drivers.

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