The big bang and Islam

3 Conversations

The big bang and Islam

The big bang is the theory that the universe was created by an ‘explosion’ which scattered matter forming every thing. This matter came from two places.
It is believed that most matter was present in a combined mass, which is what exploded. The second place it came from is more complicated. The big bang is not a normal explosion instead of transferring matter into energy it created more matter than there originally was..
After the big bang every thing was in a gas like form, which cooled and formed the galaxies over millions of years.

This entry has been divided in to sections they are:
1) History of universe philosophies
2) Discovery of the big bang
3) Steady state theory
4) Cosmic background radiation
5) Analysis of objections against creation
6) Islam, God and the big bang
7) Probability vs. coincidence

1) History of universe philosophies

A hundred years ago the universe was considered to have all ways existed and that it would always exist.
Scientists believed the universe was a conglomeration (collection) of matter and that it had been around since the start of time.
The universe had not come into being and had always been here.
The Greeks originally bought the eternal existence philosophy to light. The Greeks believed that the only thing that existed was matter in the universe and the universe existed forever. This idea existed through the Roman periods in different forms.
Materialism went in to decline because of the Catholic Church and Christian philosophy in the later parts of the middle ages.
A man called Immanuel Kant though reasserted materialism and it became the main idea at the beginning of the 19th centaury.
Karl marx and Friendrich Engels carried these works through to the 20th centry with there socialist views.

The reason why it was accepted so easily by Marx and Engels is that if the universe were ‘immortal’ so to speak then there would be no need for the views of a creater – God.
Georges Politzer an established Marxist said in his book ‘Principle fondamentaux de philosophie’:

The universe was not a created object, if it were, then it would have to be created instantaneously by God and bought into existence from nothing. To admit creation, one has to admit, in the first place, the existence of a moment when the universe did not exist, and that something came out of nothingness. This is something to which science can not accede.

Unfortunately science was not on his side it turns out as science says there was a beginning….

2) Discovery of the big bang

In 1922 Russian physicist Alexandra Friendman came up with computations showing that the structure of the universe was not static as presumed.
He said that even a tiny impulse might be sufficient to cause the whole structure to expand or contract.
This is in relation to Einstein’s theory of relativity.
The Belgian astronomer George Lemaitre realised what Friedman’s work meant. He declared that the universe had a beginning and it was expanding due to this beginning. He also said that the radiation rate should be able to be used to measure the aftermath of this event.
No one really paid attention to this until 1929. Astronomer Edwin Hubble made a massive discovery in the field of astrology.
This discovery is what we know as red shift or more accuratly the doppler effect. The doppler effect works with all wave based things, such as light and sound. An example of this is when a police car has its sirens on and is moving at high speed it has a different sound in pitch coming towards you, than when its going away from you. Because light is also wave based the same thing happens to it. When an object is moving at high speeds towards something the blue light waves get compressed and so makes the object seem to have a blue hue to it. When its moving away it has a red hue. Hubble observed many stars through a powerful telescope and noticed that light was shifted towards the red end of the spectrum and that this shift was directly related to the distance between the Earth and the stars being observed.
According to the laws of physics if a spectra of light beams is moving away form the point of observation then light tends to go towards the red end of the spectrum.
According to this law Hubble showed that the other constellations are moving away from our galaxy.
Hubble later made another important discovery. The stars where not just heading away from the earth they were also going away from each other. This led to the only logical conclusion, which is that the Universe is expanding and is constantly doing it as well.
This proved what Einstein proved in 1915 when he said that the universe could not be static because of calculations based on his theory of relativity.

Now if the universe is expanding this means going back in time the universe is getting smaller. So if you went back far enough then there would be a point when all the matter meets at a single point.
The conclusion from this was that all matter in the universe was in a single mass that had zero mass because of the massive gravitational force if would have had.

3) Steady state theory

Fred Hoyle was an astronomer opposed to the big bang theory, as he was a materialist.
In the middle of the 20th century he came up with a new theory called the steady state theory, which was an adaptation of the infinite universe theory that materialists used.
He proposed that the universe was infinite in time and dimension. His theory was that as the universe expanded new matter was continuously coming in to existence by its self in just the right amounts to keep the universe in a steady state. This theory was to match the materialistic philosophy, as they believed matter existed in infinite time.
Science is against this theory though and new discoveries have made this theory a dream.

4) Cosmic background radiation

The Main discovery to blow the steady state theory out the water was the discovery of cosmic background radiation.
George Gamov came up with the idea that if the big bang did happen then there ought to be a definite amount of radiation left over from the explosion.
The radiation had to be detectable and should be found equally all over the universe.
He came up with this idea in 1948.
In 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson found this form of radiation.
They called it cosmic background radiation and whats more was that it was extremely spread out threw the universe in equal measure.
1989 the COBE (COsmic Background Emission explorer) was completed and this machine confirmed the radiation levels. The results showed the existence of hot, dense form remaining from the Big bang.

Another discovery was that observations made showed that the mix of Hydrogen and Helium in the universe was in agreement with calculations made of what should have remained from the Big bang.
If the Universe had existed for eternity then all Hydrogen would have burned in to Helium, this showed that the steady state theory was wrong as well.

The evidence for the Big Bang started to mount up, as the Big bang was the only theory that can account for the expansion of the universe and all the evidence found so far only fits to the big bang theory.

5) Analysis of objections against creation

Many scientists who cannot accept the big bang meaning of Creation of matter have tried to come up with new theories.

here we will start with the quantum model of universe theroy.
Basically it is an attempt to make the big bang a materialistic theory instead of a more creation theory. It deals with quantum physics and what they say is based on the fact that the vacuum of space is not a proper vacuum it is a quantum mechanical vacuum which means sub atomic particles are none stop appearing and disappearing again. There is an explanation which will be told in a bit.
Based on this observation these ‘scientists’ say that this is a property pertaining to matter and present it as a law of nature. They say our universe is interpreted as a subatomic particle in a bigger one.
Here is the flaw.
The subatomic particles ‘borrow’ there energy from the vacuum for there short existence. So they are not appearing from nothing. They are energy being transferred in to matter and back. Which means the theory doe’s not change the big bang being a creation over materialist theory.

Lets also look at the Oscillating universe theory.
The oscillating universe idea is that the universe we are in will one day stop and then collapse in on its self to a single point where the process will happen again.
They say this has happened infinite times and will keep happing. Lets look at the flaws.
First thing is what would cause the universe to fall in on its self. There are super black holes in the centre of galaxies but this does not explain how they will all collapse in on its self so we can’t say that these cause it. Beside which a black hole ‘consumes’ much of the matter it sucks in but there are two jets that shoot out from the black hole that can reach the length of a solar system its self, these jets are made from energy it could not consume.
Even if the Universe collapsed in on its self what would make it explode again?
The laws of physics do not seem to help us find an answer to this.
Suppose that this does happen the process cannot go on forever.
Calculations for this model show’s that each universe would transfer an amount of entropy to its successor. This means the amount of useful energy available would become less and less each time and so every opening universe will open more slowly and have a larger diameter. This would lead to a smaller universe forming next time and so on.
So even if they were real they would eventually stop and at some point would need something created from nothing.

The theory also goes against all the findings that have taken place in the last two decades.

Here is a quote from materialist H. P. Lipson:

If living matter is not, then caused by the interplay of atoms, natural forces, and radiation, how has it come into being? …I think, however, that we must… admit that the only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is anathema to physicists, as it is indeed it is to me, but we must not reject that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it.

6) Islam, God and the big bang

Muslim’s believe that the Qur'an is the only completely intact and unchanged word of God and that all other books have been altered. The statements found in the Qur'an are parallel to the scientific knowledge we have to day and the Qur'an was written 1400 years ago.

‘He (God) is the originator of the heavens and the earth’ (Al anam: 101)

This is basically saying that God created the universe from nothing.

‘Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?’
Al Anbiya The prophets (21:30).

“Were joined together” is from the Arabic word ‘ratk’ which’s full meaning is: any thing close, solid, impervious united together in a solid form.
This is an extremely accurate description of the initial stage of the universe.
“Clove asunder” comes from the Arabic word ‘fatk’ that means: to split an object in ratk.
To explain this, I will give a loose idea of the meaning.
Imagine we had a firework.
In its current state it is in ratk but when we light the fuse and it shoots of and explodes it is then fatk. As in after it has exploded it becomes fatk. So fatk means to come out of within its self with more than that originally existed essentially.
As we can see though this does support the big bang theory.

‘It is we (God) who have built the universe with (our creative) power, and, verily, it is we who are steadly expanding it. (Adh-Dhariyat: 47).

This is extremely accurate and does not contradict science one bit. It was also impossible for any one 1400 years ago to even suggest the universe was expanding.

Stephen hawking said this about the expansion of the universe:

If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller even by one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have collapsed before it ever reached its present size.

Mr Hawking is a firm materialist and is against Creation. What does this statement have to do with Creation well lets take a look…

The problem with an explosion is it scatters every thing randomly and is not organised or planned. This applies to the big bang but there are many puzzling things to do with the big bang.
One of these aspects is the acceleration caused by the big bang.
When it took place matter must have been propelled at high speed in every direction that’s for sure, but there must have been a force that drew the matter together at the first moments of the big bang.
There are two opposing forces at work one pushing matter away from the big bang the other is pulling it back towards the location of the big bang.
If one force had been greater then this would happen:

If the force pushing the matter had been greater then all matter would have been blasted to far of places where it had no chance of uniting to form the galaxies.

If the pulling force (attractive force) then all the matter would simpally would have collapsed in on its self straight away.

This means the forces must have been in equilibrum.
After many calculations Professor Paul Davies worked out that at the time of the big bang if the rate of expansion had differed by so much as a quintillionth of a second there would be no Universe.
This shows that there seems to be quite a bit of planning going on here to make sure the Big bang happened.

Bilim Teknik a scientific periodical in Turkey quoted an article that appeared in Science in which the equilibrium that obtained in the initial phase of the universe.
In this article it said that if the initial density of matter had been a little less then was present then the universe would be rapidly expanding and so atomic particles would not attract meaning the would be no sun’s no planets and no us. If the density had been a little more then due to the attracting forces of atomic particles it would all collapse in on its self straight away according to the theory or relativity. It proceeded to say that the percentage of error is so small it would be like standing a pencil on its point in such a manor that on its own with no support it would hold that position for over a billion years.

Professor Davies is a strong materialist but he had to admit:

It is hard to resist that the present structure of the universe, apparently so sensitive to minor alterations in the numbers, has been rather carefully thought out… The seemingly miraculous concurrence of numerical values that nature has assigned to her fundamental constants must remain the most compelling evidence for an element of cosmic design.

This is just one of the many things.
There are four fundamental forces that are recognised by modern physics. They are the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force.
It is these forces that are responsible for the creation of matter and atoms.
Here is a comparison of the forces in international standard units:
Strong nuclear force: 15
Weak nuclear force: 7.03 x 10^3
Electromagnetic force: 3.05 x 10^12
Gravitational force: 5.90 x 10^39
We can see the difference between the strongest and weakest forces is around 25 followed by 38 zeros.
If these forces were not to these figures then what we now today would not exist for example if the strong nuclear force had been slightly wrong then the only stable element would be Hydrogen, no other atoms could exist.

The fact is if these forces were different strengths then we would not exist and some if not all atoms would not have formed.

The Quran says:

He to whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and he has no partner in the kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly. (Al Furqan: 2).

8) Probability vs. coincidence

Taking the physical variables in to account we can work out the probability of the universe giving us life by coincidence.
What is the answer we would get?

The British mathematician Roger Penrose wondered about this and tried to calculate the probability of this happening.
The result he got was 10^123 to 1.
In practical terms, in mathematics, a probability of 1 in 10^50 mrans “zere probability.
Penrose’s answer is more that an trillion, trillion, trillion times less than 1 in 10^50

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