How to Play Eternal Darkness
Created | Updated Feb 26, 2003
Because you demanded it (or at least because you didn't not), here's a general guide to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. Note that this guide will not actually solve any puzzles levels, or bosses for you; all it will do is tell you how to play. We will look at three components: Magick, Monsters, and Weapons.
The 1st component needed to cast magick is the Tome of Eternal Darkness. Next you need a circle of power, on which to place Runes. These are the essence of Magick, and are normally held by enemies, though some are not. You don't technically need codices * (singular: codex) or Spell Scrolls *, but these make things a lot easier. Fonding the Tome, Runes, Codices, and a scroll will automatically tell you what the spell combination is. However, by going into the New Spell option on the menu, you can experiment with various Rune combinatins until you discover a spell. However, until you find all the components, the name of the spell will remain locked to you.
Each spell really consists of one Rune from each row, plus an allegiance Rune to determine its precise effect. Here is a rundown of the meanings of the Runes, and a list of spells.
Mantarok *
Row 1:
Bankorok - Protect
Tier - Summon
Narokath - Absorb
Nethlek - Dispell
Antorbok - Project
Row 2:
Magormor - Item
Redgormor - Area
Aretak - Creature
Santak - Self
Pargon - Power *
1: Enchant Item (Antorbok Magormor) - fixes broken items and powers up weapons
2: Recover (Narokath Santak) - This spell restores health, magick, or sanity, whichever is the same colour as the allegiance Rune you use. Mantarok will restore both health and sanity.
3: Reveal Invisible (Narokath Redgormor) - Pretty self-explanatory really. A Mantarok Reveal Invisible will make you invisible to any enemies with eyes.
4: Damage Field (Bankorok Redgormor) - Creates an area aroun the caster which nothing can penetrate.
5: Dispel Magick (Nethlek Redgormor) - counters magickal spells, especially damage fields.
6,8,10: Summon (Tier Aretak) - Summon and control a monster of the allagiance you have chosen enclosing yourself in a Damage Field while you remain in control. No Pargon Runes will summon a Trapper, two will summon a Zombie, and four will summon a Horror. Note that you will lose sanity while you control a monster.
7: Shield (Bankorok Santak) Surrounds you with several points of light, each of which can absorb two magickal attacks before dissappearing.
9: Magickal Attack (Antorbok Redgormor) - Attack all enemies in a room.
11: Magick Pool (Tier Redgormor) - Temporarily grants you unlimited magickal power.
12: Bind (Narokath Aretak) - Force one monster in the area to fight on your side.
There are two types of weapons: MeleƩ (hand-to-hand) and Projectile (shooting).
Gladius: The standard sword of the Roman Army, it is a good all rounder.
Enchanted Gladius: ditto, but can also fire off magickal attacks.
Short Sword: Strikes fast, but does less damage than the Galdius.
Scramasax: Similar to the Gladius, but faster and with slightly less damage.
Two-Edged-Sword: Probably the best sword in the game, it is quite fast and does a lot of damage. Unwieldy in confined spaces though.
Tulwar: The weakest word, but you can fight with two of them simultaneously.
Ram Dao: The most powerful sword, but is a bit too low.
Sabre: Very good. Strikes faster and does as much damage as the Galdius.
Kukri: A bit on the weak side, but very useful in close quarters.
Mace: Does more damage than the Scramasax, but is less likely to remove an appendage.
Saif: Similar to the Sabre, but does a little more damage.
Fire Axe: Slow and somewhat weak, but has a good fast finishing move.
Torch: Can set Mantarok and Xel'lototh Zombies on fire, but has little use against other monsters. Cannot do finishing moves. Will light up the surrounding area.
Flash Pan: Does no damage, but can stun any enemies with eyes.
Blowpipe: Poisons monsters so that they die in a few seconds.
Chakrams: like the metal disk Xena has, but does not return.
Revolver: does its share of damage. Comes with a magazine of eithe 5 or 6 bullets.
Flintlock pistol: A bit on the weak side with a magazine of one, but you can equip two simultanously.
Crossbow: Quite poor; magazine of one, two hands needed to hold, long reload time.
Automatic pistol: Does a good bit of damage, has a good rate of fire and reload time.
Shotgun: There are a couple of different types, but all do a lot of damage. Reload time increases as the magazine empties.
Double-barrelled Shotgun: Magazine of two, but very powerful. Can fire single or double blasts.
Elephant gun: An even more powerful version of the Double-Barreled Shotgun, but firing both bullets knocks you to the ground.
Rifle: More powerful than a shotgun, with a larger magazine and faster reload time.
Assault Rifle: The best weapon in the game. Can fir eithe single, triple bullets or grenades. Fires and reloads fast, has a huge magazine, and does a lot of damage.
Zombies: Chattur'gha zombies can regrow limbs, Ulyaoth zombies can self-destuct, the more you cut off Xel'lototh zombies the more Sanity you lose, and Mantarok zombies won't die (again?) until you cut off all their anatomy.
Trapper: Rather than attacking you, this bugger zaps you to another dimension where magick can't be used. Simply step onto the purple teleporter to reach the exit.
Horror: These hulks attack either with their claws of magick. Their weak spots are their heads (Chattur'gha), eyes (Xel'lototh) or mouths (Ulyaoth).
Bonethief: sometimes found on their own, but have an annoying habit of popping out of dead zombies and humans, causing great and irreversible sanity loss. Xel'lototh Bonethieves have no heads, which are the weak points in the others.
Worm: Comes out of a hole in the ground and sucks your sanity. One projectile will kill one worm.
Reaper: Very strong, can summon monsters to do its bidding. Its weak spot is its chest, vulnerable when its wings are open. Approach with caution or an assault rifle.
Guardian: Can cast Damage field, Recover, and summon. No weak spots, so the only option is all-out attack.