The GateHouse

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You journey up a long, desolate, and contorted path way. A bleak and dismal sky streaches out over head. As you walk you notice you are continually going at an incline and the path continues to grow more and more narrow dropping off into jagged cliffs. Just as you begin to run out of walking room the ground suddenly widens out. Before you sits the Gatehouse for Skullvania

The Gatehouse

Two towers rise up from the ground on either side of the path. The menacing towers serve as pillars suporting a great iron gate that stands before you. On past the gate and a little further down the road you can see the the mighty citadel that is Skullvania, rising up from the earth.

The GateKeeper

Set into the tower to the right is an open window, and inside that window sits an old man. Upon closer examination he seems more of a man who has seen the ages and understands the wisdom and knowlege that comes with the passage of time. His facial features are very chisled and boney. His skin, pail and weathered. As you walk up to him you can feel his gaze cut into your heart, mind and soul. Yet it is not an uncomfortable feeling for his eyes hold a certain shrewd kindness and calm, that is only brought on through the complete cognizance of all that is in the world around you. He speaks to you in a slow and peaceful voice with a slight transylvanian accent.

Good day. And welcome. As you are of no doubt aware you are well on your way to Skullvania, home and fortress of Master Skullock. Come, The Master has been expecting you.

The gate shudders and then opens before you as if by some magical force, for no mechanical aid can be seen and the gate is far too heavy to be moved by the hands of mortals.

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