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The afterlife is supposed to be the life you will live after you are dead. This, of course, makes no sense, because if
you are dead, there is no life afterwards. Death is the opposite of life. However, if you do somehow, through no fault
of your own, live some sort of life aftewards, then it is not an "afterlife" but a "differentlife" and thus should be named
Say, for instance, you live your life on Earth, doing things that a living creature does, like eating, breathing, having sex,
and working long hours in a tedious job for little pay. Then one day, you slip on some soap in the shower and strangle
yourself to death on the shower curtain. If you die, and there's nothing after that, then you're dead, and there's
no two small muffins about it. However, If all of a sudden then you find yourself, living on Earth, eating, breathing,
having sex, and spending most of your hours encased in lime jello to please the whims of superintelligent tie tacks,
then you would be leading a "differentlife." It's very similar to your previous life, but different.
If this confuses you, don't worry, you can always take some Philosophy courses at your local college and get even
more confused.

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