1 Conversation

(Time And Relative Dimension In Space)

"Welcome to the TARDIS, I am the Doctor, and I hope you can help me. I don't want to go in to too many details but basically I have been forced to delete all the rooms of the TARDIS except the console room you see before you. I need as many assistants as possible to help me build the TARDIS back up again. You will of course need your own room. The corridors will go on inifiniately, so don't worry about space. Occasionsally we may have to take off and land somewhere. Currently we are in the middle of space, so we can't go out at the moment."

"I will leave the technical details up to may faithful assistant Terran. He's not a bad chap once you get to know him. If you can help my plight, you can talk with Terran by leaving a message at the bottom of the page. Good Luck"

- The Doctor


You are inside a white hexagonal room, with sunken circles in the walls. In the middle of the room is the console, which operates the TARDIS. The pillar in the middle is completely still.

Also for some inexplicatble reason there is a hat stand in the corner of the room.


  • Exit out main door
  • Go deeper in to the TARDIS

  • Bookmark on your Personal Space

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