h2g2 Fantasy Football Hall of Fame

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Fantasy football Hall of Fame:

Season one (10 weeks):
1.Otto Fisch (44)
2.Ormondroyd (41)
3.Egon (40)
4.Future World Dictator (35)
5.Steviebab (34)
6.GreyDesk (33)
7.Ardzil (28)
8.Mickey Thomas' Right Foot (24)
9.Nitpicker (22)
10.Old Uncle Zarniwoop (17)
11.Demon Drawer (14)

Season two (12 weeks):
1.Otto Fisch (67)
2.Ormondroyd (56)
3.Egon (55)
4.vogonpoet (54)
5.GreyDesk (52)
6.Great Western Lettuce (30)
7.Future World Dictator (20)
8.Asbury park Ranger (17)
9.Ardzil (14)

Fantasy FootbalL World Cup (season three) (8 rounds)
1.Ormondroyd (56)
2.Robin (43)
3=.GreyDesk (40)
3=.Otto fisch (40)
5=.Demon Drawer (34)
5=.vogonpoet (34)
7=.Egon (33)
7=.Great Western lettuce (33)
9=.Nitpicker (30)
9=.spook (30)
11.Jack Naples (27)
12.manda (25)
13.Alfredo Marquez (19)

Fantasy football IV: The Search For West Bromwich (17 rounds)
1.Ormondroyd (79)
2.Robin (72)
3.Otto Fisch (69)
4.Sprout (55)
5=.Egon (51)
5=.Tonto (52)
7.GreyDesk (51)
8.spook (48)
9.Master B (45)
10.Owlatron (16)
11.Gedge (9)

All-Time Leaderboard
1.Ormondroyd (232)
2.Otto Fisch (220)
3.Egon (180)
4.GreyDesk (176)
5.Robin (115)
6.vogonpoet (88)
7.spook (78)
8.Great Western lettuce (63)
9.Future World Dictator (55)
10.Nitpicker (52)
11.sprout (55)
12.Tonto (52)
13.Demon Drawer (48)
14.Master B (45)
15.Ardzil (42)
16.Steveiebab (34)
17.Jack Naples (27)
18.manda (25)
19.Mickey thomas' Right Foot (24)
20.Alfredo marquez (19)
21=.Old Uncle Zarniwoop (17)
21=.Asbury Park Ranger (17)
23.Owlatron (16)
24.Gedge (9)

Four season overview:

Otto 1,1,3=,3
Ormondroyd 2,2,1,1
Egon 3,3,7=,5=
Future World Dictator 4,7,-,-
Steviebab 5,-,-,-
GreyDesk 6,5,3=,7
Ardzil 7,9,-,-
MTRF 8,-,-,-
Nitpicker 9,-,9=,-
OUZ 10,-,-,-
Demon Drawer 11,-,5=,-
vogonpoet -,4,5=,-
GWL -,6,7=,-
APR -,8,-,-
Robin -,-,2,2
spook -,-,9=,8
Jack Naples -,-,11,-
manda -,-,12,-
Alfredo Marquez -,-,13,-
Tonto -,-,-,5=
Sprout -,-,-,4
Master B -,-,-,9
Owlatron -,-,-,10
Gedge -,-,-,11

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