Humanity's Twenty Greatest Problems

4 Conversations

This is a little out of the norm, because I'm trying to turn this article into a discussion more than a source of information, but I think it's worthwhile. What I propose is that we, as a community, try to compile a list of humanity's twenty greatest problems, then again as a community, try to come up with the answers. We are a group of learned men (and women) and we should be able to come up with at least a few ideas, and it can't hurt to try. Many of these problems will be ones we have already heard of, but mabey we could come up with new perspectives. I'll start this off with a few, then (hopefully) people can put more in replies. The first ones that are added up until the twenty limit, I'll add in here (with credit given) so people don't have to fumble through the replies if they dont want to. Well, here goes.

1. Fossel Fuels
First of all, we are basing our whole economy and way of living on a non-renewable natural resorce. Its plentiful enough right now that the people who own the oil companies are rich, and because they are rich, they have power, and because they have power, they surpress research and/or application of efficient alternative energy sources. In addition, the exauhst pollutes and destroys the ozone, promoting a greenhouse effect.

One possible solution could be to convince the oil companies/CEOs/cabals/whatever, to strongly fund, either publicly or in secret, alternative energy sources of their own. Then once they have it, they can market it themselves as a cleaner alternative and rake in the money since it would be theirs, they could get the patent. There HAS to be something wrong with this line of thought. If it were that easy, it would alread have happened. Someone, please tell me what i'm missing.

2. Overpopulation
We are now smart enough to somewhat overcome nature and breed beyond our biological niche. We will eventually throw the system out of whack enough that it will be irreparable.

One possible solution: Develop space travel, colonise elswhere. Theres also the radical solutions of promoting war (prunes out the weak) or governmental limitations on births. I am by no means promoting the last two, but its at least a start to get our creative jucies running.

Well, thats enough from me. I hope this gets many replies and that we come up with some good problems and solutions. Please, even if you think this is silly, comment, let me know. Maby I'm going about this the wrong way. Feel free to reply just to tell me I'm an idiot. I love hate-mail.

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