The Spook Corp.

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The Spook Corporation building soars up to join into the concrete and steel sky. Down its length, many lines of one-way windows are lit slightly from behind by the light of countless electric lamps and other electronics. Spook Corp. personel patrol the area, semi-automatics at the ready.

The glass doors slide apart as you approach, allowing you in to the first floor of the Spook Corp. Building. A sign notifies you that the first floor is the only floor available to the public. The lobby itself is a grand place, with a lot of stainless steel and holographic displays of various munition products. A computer terminal notifies visitors to contact Spook Corp through use of the thread at the bottom of the page.

The Spook Corporation wishes to expand into new areas and create business with various people and companies. Spook Corp provides a number of different services and sells a number of different items. And if we don't have it - we can get it!

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