Hazard Lights

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Here on Earth (specifically in the United States), all automobiles are equipped with a device known as a Hazard Light.
It is a switch, usually with a very serious looking triangle on it. This switch; when pressed or pulled or however else activated,
causes all of the exterior lights on the automobile to blink. This is in itself fascinating, but not the limit of what this '
button can accomplish.

It appears (although is not documented anywhere), that when one's hazard lights are on, one is able to do anything without
fear of reprieve or punishment. Once can park anywhere (on sidewalks, or in front of fire hydrants, or in swimming pools if
so desired), leave their vehicle unattended, or even strike down passerbys if so desired (old women and children make
wonderful targets for a car with its hazard lights on).

It is a bit of an unspoken rule that such behavior is acceptable, nay encouraged even. Most odd.

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