reading on a budget- mysteries

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I live just outside of Chicago Ill. U.S.A. so I read the Chicago Tribune. Every month they include a roundup of current mysteries in their book review section. On my income I can't buy too many books so I use their section to find books at the local library. What I do is look for a review of a reccomended book that is the second, third,or whatever in a series and then go to the library and find the first book and read away!
I just read "The Dutchman" by Mann Myers set in early New York (early enough that it's actually New Amsterdam) I found it an interesting history lesson and a well written mystery.
I also read "Judas Child" by Chris O'Connel. Wow a very compelling very different story of the investigation of a paired child abduction. Gripping,thrilling,I'm definitely going to read more of her books!
Dizzy Gillespie in Crystal Lake

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