Male Replacement Bus Service?

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Male Replacement Bus Service?

Pink Bus by Bluebottle

Lack of diversity is a problem affecting companies worldwide, including Southampton bus company Blue Star, who have identified a lack of women bus drivers. Is this caused by the fact that Blue Star's buses have always been painted blue - to reflect the name of the company? Or the fact that bus drivers often have to work anti-social shifts, with nighttime driving in particular likely to result in contact with drunken and unruly behaviour?

Well, if YOU are a woman, like the old, balding man driving this bus, rest assured that you can now drive a pink bus. And you get a competitive salary, which in the context of gender of bus drivers presumably means you will be paid the same as male bus drivers, or in other words the bus company will do what it has been legally required to do since the Equal Pay Act of 1970 anyway. And you don't even have to pay to be trained, which apparently is a perk of the job. There's nothing about flexible working to fit around childcare commitments, or assurances you would not be expected to work late nights when potentially a solo driver might feel vulnerable, but there is a mentor scheme, so that's nice.

And did we say the bus is pink?

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