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===JUST A STONE TO SAY===1620===The Pilgrim fathers===


It, is just a stone to say
The Pilgrim fathers passed this way
They are chaps in history books, and yet
We will still remember them, ill bet
When I leave school, or sometime soon
There will be voyages to the moon
Records we have never known
To carve in space as well as stone



Love is made up of many things
Wedding cakes and golden rings
The organs play and choirs sing
But still it's only marriage
You meet a lass and love her true
Then meet the vicar and say, I do
And promise to love and honor too
But still it's only marriage
You have a child you're in your prime
And fives years later you have nine
Then she says it's on the line
But still it's only marriage
She'll want a divorce, they are all the same
It's just a never ending marriage game
That's women's way, you're not to blame
But still it's only marriage
And if this ever happens to you
Just change the wife and don't feel blue
After all it was the wife and not you
Because it's only marriage.



Gone is the year 2009. Nothing about it was ever fine.
Death and destruction from one end to the other with
Grieving fathers, wives and mothers as the war goes on, taking
Husbands, sons, sisters and brothers
Can 2010 be any better or will more families get the dreaded letter?
Two wars where fought, to end all cessations, to
Bring peace and goodwill to all of the nations.
But still we are a decade gone, and what has really been done
To end the pain and strife that now is taking more life?
People say for a death, there is a life. Let them say
it to a dead soldier's children and wife.
When will the hate and the pain end
And world start to heal once again?
It's sad to say, but not in my lifetime, or years to
come. So for now, another mother will lose her son.
And a wife, a husband, till the futility is done.
There is no end in sight as the soldiers bed down for
And wake in the morning, once more ready to fight.
And at the end of each day, when we count up the
cost, as yet another brave soldier's life has been lost.
We will remember, not as soldiers, but heroes and men
who lay down their lives for their countries, again and again.


Nightmare that as no end

The years have gone by now
But co vid is still here and will it ever end
Then we can all cheer but wars are still waging
Haven t we now had enough We are fighting a war
But nothing to see and no battle to win
No real enemy to fight Its still all around us
With nothing to see Just the dreaded co vid
Can we really win the fight, to sleep safe at night
Are we heading for Armageddon of the dreaded covid-19 blight
Is the end around the corner? as each breath is now a fight
Has the world now got to a Impasse? and still no way to beat
An unseen virus taking lives from houses and streets
Next year the vaccine will help but are they losing
Day by day the never ending fight
And as I get older do I want to go on?
wake in the morning to still see the dawn


Still nightmare called Co ,vid
You would think enough ,is enough
Taliban, China ,Russia and others
Killing sisters and brothers
Fathers and sons to kill each other
Pain and suffering for grieving mothers
Another days, s holiday ,more of the blight
Co vid, now rampant, still no end in sight
Wars still raging, deaths every day
With the Taliban fighting and now Isis again
All the lives that were lost way back in the past
Some say was it worth it, how long will it last
Wars have been fought, from beginning of time
For power and land, over greed and not pride
As I get older I have to wonder why?
Countries cant ever live side by side


My dog rex is now fifteen , or I would not give a dam
He always comes first, so I am happy as i am
And wonder what might get me, the co vid or heart
But does it really matter, for me its the end, not the start
Co vids just a blight problem. now its fires and floods
The worlds is a nightmare, we it cant be good
They now changing the cars petrol, but some are losing out
Wait until it, s all electric, and drivers will shout
With all the batteries, as they wear out
They cant be recycled, does anyone care
So what, s it all about, some wont be able to afford one
And then the fun will start, The price of cars will rocket
Can the scrappers make a fortune, I don, t think
Just piles of old cars, with nothing in pocket
And the prices are rising, they call it a cap
My pensions still dwindling, I am caught in a trap
In less than a year, I, will be old once more
Some things I get now are a pound or less
I can.t afford some things, just doing the best
Rex will come first now, as the bills start to bite
Still looking for cheap things, I wont lose the fight
Another Xmas, wind and snow and soon be another new year
Once more up the creek so what is really to cheer
More strikes, rain and snow Don, t know which is the worse
No post and planes, more to come Its like the world as been cursed Good news to came in April it can, t arrive soon enough Another helpful money payment To get me through the rough
With luck with more monthly Good thing the Gov is now going mad
But I, m not on the breadline But still it is getting tough
Rex had a downer, was daily eating grass
Its all clear now he is looking better
Bad days have passed, hope it will last


In the Arndale mall in Bradford

As I sit here with my drink
The buses now every day
Are nearly on the brink
Trying to find the empty bay
The old top market is now Diminished
And getting pulled down soon
The new ones only halfway finished
Will see a lot more moons
The Arndale is past its best
The Escalators breaking down
The lifts are full every day
They will be also going to.
Bradford at this moment
Its a loads of bollards
with holes ,fences and
railings here and there
Bus stations is a nightmare
concrete everywhere
buses here and there
with people going madder
And taxis always in the way
could it really get more sadder.


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