Practical Physics for Parents and Children

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Physics helps kids to understand the world and the processes in it. There are a lot of interesting experiments in physics that you can do with your kids at home. There are a lot of special scientific kits and tools for sale. They are classified based on a specific direction or age.

In some of them, ready sets for experiments are offered. Normally, there is also a manual with details instructions in a set. However, it is also fine if you get a book with the description of experiments in physics that you can make from the available materials.

Before you move to complex systems with the application of 12v linear actuators, we would like to focus your attention on one experiment that can be done at home. It is absolutely safe and such fun.

Potatoes Battery

Do you know that potatoes generate electricity? We bet not many adults know about it, let alone children.

Materials needed:
  • Two potatoes;
  • Copper and zinc plates, two pairs;
  • A digital clock;
  • Wires;
  • Two plastic cups;
  • Transparent tape.

Connect the wires with a zinc and copper plate. Cover the connections with tape. Now, connect the wires of the digital clock with the other pair of plates. The negative wire shall be connected with the zinc plate. Correspondingly, the positive wire shall be connected with the copper plate.

Insert the first pair of plates into the potatoes. Each plate is inserted into a different potato. Now, connect the digital clock to the potatoes. Insert a copper plate of the clock in the potato where the zinc plate is already inserter. The zinc plate goes to the potato where the copper plate has been inserted.

Check the clock. Now, it works as if it was working from a battery.

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