Byomkesh Bakshi Films

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<LINK HREF="">Byomkesh Bakshi</LINK> is a fictional detective created by the renowned Bengali litterateur, Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. The stories of Byomkesh were written over a pretty long time frame from 1932 till 1970. Many of these stories have been filmed a number of times by various directors and the sleuth have been portrayed by a number of actors over the years. The stories have also been filmed for television channels as well as web portals, most series comprising of all the stories.<BR/>

Byomkesh and Feluda, the two most favourite fictional sleuths of Bengali readers, have always been tied together with an invisible string of destiny; starting with the first Byomkesh film (<I>Chiriakhana</I> also known as "The Zoo") which was directed by none other than the creator of Feluda, Satyajit Ray. The film was released in 1967, and the sleuth  was played by the eminent Bengali super-star, Uttam Kumar.<BR/>Over the years Byomkesh was played by Satindra Bhattacharya (1974),

Ajoy Ganguli (1980 television series), Rajit Kapur (1993 & 1997 television series in Hindi), Saptarshi Roy (2007 television series) and Subhrajit Dutta (2009), till the popular Bengali film director cum singer Anjan Dutt started his big screen film series in 2010 with Abir Chatterjee playing the sleuth. Byomkesh fans have always been quite critical about actors playing the sleuth. Although <I>Chiriyakhana</I> was directed by the film maestro Satyajit Ray and Byomkesh was played by Bengal's most favourite hero, Uttam Kumar, fans were not very much satisfiedAbir was received with great acclaim as Byomkesh.

Dutt continued with 2 more Byomkesh films in 2012 and 2014. In 2013, the eminent</BODY>


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