Post Quiz - Name the Invention: Answers

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Name the Invention: Answers

Yes, these are all real inventions. Yes, they are for sale. No, we didn't say you should buy them.

But if you do, we want a consumer report for the Post.


  1. This amazing device allows you to imprint an image of your face on a piece of toast – astound your friends! Selfie toaster.
  2. Just what your living room ambience needs: a completely transparent chair. Ghost chair.
  3. Do you fall asleep on your keyboard? This pillow magically inflates, plays soothing music and sounds an alarm after ten minutes. What is it called? (You'll groan.) iSleep.
  4. What would you call a Roomba for your swimming pool? It's solar-powered! Solar-Breeze Robot.
  5. A nightlight that fits into your toilet. So you don't have to turn on the light…. GlowBowl Motion Activated Toilet Nightlight.
  6. Did you enjoy the pillow on your keyboard? This handy padded headgear covers your head and hands while allowing you to breathe during 'power naps'. Ostrich pillow.
  7. This one must be from the planet Golgafrincham. It's a toothbrush holder that keeps your toothbrush clean (you put the business end into the cup.) Toothbrush Santizer.
  8. We don't usually stoop to this kind of humour, but the idea of underwear that contains a deodorising filter to stop smells from expelled intestinal gas was just irresistible. What's it called? Flatulence Filtering Brief.
  9. Finally on the market! Years ago, a Somali friend said he missed the 'toothbrush trees' of his home country. No, he insisted: toothbrushes really did grow on trees in Somalia. And he had wonderful white teeth. Somebody has decided to sell the twigs in boxes. What did they label them? Natural Teeth Whitening Kit.
  10. You love to sing in the shower, right? What's wrong with a little karaoke? Here's the trick: where do you put the karaoke machine? Figure it out by naming this nifty invention. H20Vibe Rain Showerhead Jet with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker.

Now, how have we lived without these things?

There's an app for that.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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