The Post Quiz- Summer Drinks, and Where They Came From: Answers

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Does your favourite drink come from moonshiners or Nazis?

Summer Drinks, and Where They Came From: Answers

This quiz probably made you thirsty.

  1. Originally, it contained drugs, but no alcohol. Coca Cola
  2. This was invented to keep alcohol out of church services. Welch's Grape Juice
  3. The taste treat invented in Nazi Germany. Fanta
  4. Its name means 'moonshine': it was invented in Tennessee – as a drinks 'mixer'. Mountain Dew
  5. It has sassafras in it. Root Beer
  6. Made popular at the 1904 St Louis World's Fair, because it was way hot that summer. Iced Tea
  7. You can make a Moscow Mule with this beverage, known in the UK since the 18th Century. Ginger Beer
  8. An ancient drink: this tangy beverage is first recorded in Egypt. Lemonade
  9. This drink was first named in print in 1885 – but it had whiskey in it. Milkshake
  10. This beverage was first called 'Brad's Drink'. In 1898, the name was 'improved' with a derivation from the word for 'stomach ache'. Pepsi Cola

Headed for the fridge? Bring me a cold one.

An old advertisement for Cocawine.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

24.07.17 Front Page

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