Created | Updated Mar 19, 2004
Where else to put your favorite quotes, but on your walls?
"Don't associate with unhealthy people" - Dr. Phil on Oprah
"My only responsibility is to my dream" - Slam (1998)
"Life without memories, is no life at all..." - Louis Bunuel
"I had to keep on throwing myself on the swords until I didn't feel a damn thing" - Marilyn Manson on becoming Who He Is
"You're a liar if you think you can go out and do that and not destroy yourself." - Anthony Kiedis, on heroin abuse
"Words somehow arrive - a phrase sticks in your head and others accrete round is" - Robert Crawford
"So impressed with all you do/Try so hard to be like you?Flew too far and broke the wing/Lost my faith in everything" - NIN (? Have to go and look)
"Pink ribbon scars/That never forget/I tried so hard to cleanse my regrets/My angel wings/Were bruised and restrained/My belly Stings..." - The Smashing Pumpkins (Today)
"It Will Come. If I Work." - Sylvia Plath, July 17th, 1957.
It is only after you have lost everything, that you are free to do anything." - Tyler Durden, "Fight Club"
"We murder to disect." - Wordsworth.
"It was a crazy, sexy, murderous relationship." - Kurt Vonnegut
"Must our deaths then be used as data for opposing atomic bombs?" - Matsusaka Yoshitaka
"It's all very satisfying. I'm not sure why." - from the film "Crash"
"Lie still, lie still, my breaking heart;
My silent heart, lie still and break:
Life and the world, and mine own self, are changed
For a dreams sake." - "Mirage" by Christina Rosetti.