Freebie Film Tip #22: The Dybbuk, a Tale of Terror

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Freebie Film Tip #22: The Dybbuk, a Tale of Terror

Tevye sitting on a wagon wiping away a tear.

Today, we take a look at a great Yiddish tale of terror. You'll enjoy this one if you like spooky stories (and overacting). First, let's warm up with some Theodore Bikel.

Today's Short Subject: Theodore Bikel was a stalwart of the Folk Revival back in the 1960s. He sang in many languages. Listen to his version of Dona Dona, also known as Dos Kelbl. You'll recognise it – and the voice.

Today's Feature Film: Yiddish theatre gave us two great horror classics, the story of the golem, and The Dybbuk. A dybbuk is a very nasty entity that possesses people. In this story, it possesses a bride, or 'kalleh'. Leading to the deathless line, 'In der kalleh is areyn a DYYYYYB-buk!' Guaranteed a riveting experience.

This film is considered a landmark of Yiddish Expressionism. The play was based on extensive folklore research by its author, S. Ansky. Unlike the usual Hollywood schlock, this is actual folk belief. And in spite of the fact that the film was made in 1937 in Kazimierz, Poland, it's pretty atmospheric.

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