The Ferry Project/Luminus Group Huntingdon

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I worked for these employers for the best part of 4 years. The strange things they expected you to do. For example they used to have a 'conference' every so often where the CEO of Luminus (Chan Abraham) would give motivational speeches. You were not allowed to have holidays on these days, as I was on night shift I was 'expected' to stay behind (Worked 21:00 to 9:00 the next day) 'Conference' started about 10:00 and went on for about an hour. So no going home until after then  bed about 12;00 and up for work to start the next shift at 21:00. I refused to go, and was told by one supervisor I 'Had to attend' or ??? Also working a four on four off cycle I'had' to attend on my days off . Admittedly was paid overtime (straight wages no time and a half, or more). I could bank these hours to get a day off, but when I did have enough hours 'banked' I could find no one to 'cover' me while I was off!

Training was almost none exsistant to the extent when I said I would like some training, and had been asking for this paricular training for 3 years my Supervisor told me I was 'being negative'.

When I told my supervisor in confidence about my wife's problems, another supervisor knew about them, even though I did not tell them, so much for confidence.

When a colleague died suddenly, and I was grieving my supervisor told me I 'had given in'! Others had days off! Although I had continued to work.

When on one day shift I came in (Rare) I swept the office, and cleaned all bins out, swept up dust from workman's task. To be told I 'had done nothing all day but sit around'!

I was told day staff never had time to even wash their own cups, and often got to work to find no milk left from 'Day shift' to make tea with, so resorted to taking my own in. Which others then stole

On one famous occasion there were a tin of sweets left for staff, when I got to the tin on night shift no sweets left. When we had a 'Secret Santa' I put my name in, but guess what although I put a secret present in received none back.

When I was dianosed with Parkinson's Disease doctors advised I should not work night shift. I asked for a day shift post to be told there were none. Eventually I fell so ill I had to go on sick pay and I was made Redundant!

Also when I did leave the 'reference' was just a list of dates started and finished.


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