Freebie Film Tip #16: Completely Clueless Aliens Study Earth

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Freebie Film Tip #16: Completely Clueless Aliens Study Earth

Uncle Martin was a wise Martian. The crew of Third Rock from the Sun? Not so much. But as a way of viewing humanity through the lens of visiting aliens, the show has a lot to recommend it. As they say in this pilot episode, 'Here they are, hurtling along on a molten rock at 67,000 miles per hour, and the only thing that keeps them from flying out of their shoes is their misplaced faith in gravity...' Fans of the Hitchhiker's Guide will like this one.

The acting's great, too. John Lithgow, Jane Curtin, even, eventually, William Shatner as their leader, the Big Giant Head... it's a surprisingly witty look at the human condition. Aliens as trailer trash, living in Mrs Dubcek's attic and trying to figure it all out. If they get over their fear of jello1, they might make it.

Alien speaking goobledegook
2014 Freebie Film Tips Archive
1A dangerous alien life form.

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