Freebie Film Tip #5: Bourgeois Values and the Afterlife

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Freebie Film Tip #5: Bourgeois Values and the Afterlife

A god caught up in machinery

Today's offering is not great literature. And it's certainly not great science fiction. But it's good for a laugh. The show was called Twice in a Lifetime. This episode, entitled 'Death and Taxes', pretty much illustrates the light-hearted moralising involved.

It's anviliciious, it's silly, and it's Canadian. But the angel, Mr Jones, is funny. He should be: in real life, he's a stand-up impressionist in Vegas. Here's another clip, from the theatre, which shows that at least they're fairly broad-minded. Even if they do pussyfoot around the issues.

The show aired on Canadian TV, and on the US cable network PAX. As I said, it's silly and obvious. Someone else might have done something truly interesting with the premise – humans getting a three-day 'second chance' at fixing what they'd done wrong with their lives. But the series has its own quirky charm.

I haven't seen any of the second-season episodes, but I understand that the angel in those was named 'Mr Smith'.

Michael J Fox as Marty McFly in a scene from the 1985 movie 'Back to the Future'
2014 Freebie Film Tips Archive

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