Narlesha the Dragonslayer: Part Seven
Created | Updated Jul 6, 2014
Part Seven
"In the lair, a few cave hyenas were already gnawing on the huge carcass but scurried deeper into the cave at the first sight of the great horses. The horses in turn were reassured about the dragon being dead. But the breath of man as well as horse was taken away when they saw the fullness of the treasure!
" 'Get packing, and I’ll stand guard,' Narlesha gasped, and so they did. First they dragged the carcass out of the way. Work went fast and none came to oppose them. As it were the bags and horses where just about sufficient and only a few items were left that couldn't fit in.
"As her helpers hoisted up the bags and firmly strapped them to the great beasts, Narlesha scrawled a message on a rock wall using her sword: 'Dear mayor, council and citizens of Bokorinin, you may have what is left, and also the dragon's head. Don't judge too harsh of me … with my work you are rid of this beast, and while you may miss the bulk of the treasure, you would not have had any of it with him still alive, and now he will take no more of your remaining riches, your livestock, or your sons and daughters. I leave you to ponder your dishonour a while, but will be no scourge on your lands as he was. Better thank your rescuers in future.'
"Then they left; Narlesha directed the convoy to go down the opposite slope and head straight for the next closest city of Samirkin. 'Cheat me at your mortal peril – you saw what I did to Vigoyorr,' she said as she sent them off. She had a final task in mind."
Narlesha the Dragonslayer Archive