Earth- A deeper look

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According to the original hitchhikers guide (which it thouroughly outdated but still worth a look) the earth is explained in two words: mostly harmless. This entry was written by Ford Prefect during his brief stay on this planet during which he drunk beer, ate salted peanuts and generally wasted the organizations expenses. The earth is infact a lot more dangerous than one would originally expect considering all the weapons of mass destruction (though on a galactic scale they are useless) and all the various muggings killings and other things earth is mostly harmless, except for a single continent, Austalia, this is a large slab of rock which containsmany creatures amed tothe teeth with dangerous poisons, and othe deadly killing mechanisms, however you canĀ also see the koalas and kangaroos these furry creatures are mostwell known for being adorable.

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