Not quite sure if I have free will, or if I just do what I want

1 Conversation

There are some philosophers who believe humans have free will and our behavior is completely unpredictable. They call themselves Indeterminalists. Well some of them do, others use the term Libertarians and tend to confuse themselves with Minarchists. On the other hand there is the determinable canon of philosophers who believe there is no free will and humans are completely predictable, we just don’t know how to predict it all yet. Finally there is the compatible world view that finds humans maybe determinable and indeterminable at the same time. Everyone else, not on the Compatiblist’s side, believe this idea to be complete bullcrap and a blatant contradiction. I am one of those bullcrap contradictions who believes Michio Kaku should have invented a time machine already.

Only then will we know what we should do and should not do. Only THEN, will we know that if you punch me in the face that I will say “ouch that hurt,” without actually having to do the experiment and applying it to this dimension. Only then will we know what really happened on September 10th to those masses who forgot their cats at the vet.

Think of the possibilities, you must. It is determinable now that I’ve told you to. Clinton could have gotten a second term in office if he knew the people would forgive him for spending millions of tax dollars on saxophone lessons with John Coltrane, heroin, and a plethora of hookers, just like every other president before him. I mean lets be honest, Clinton was just trying to fit in.

When was I now? Oh yes, do we have a choice in the direction our lives take us? Have our psychoses paved the road for us? Or is time like a delta branching out all possibilities in various dimensions ultimately spilling into an ocean of infinity? Don’t flatter yourself, your decisions are trivial and meaningless compared to the entirety of the universe. It’s hard enough to make an impact on a local village let alone politics. Yet at the same time, every change in the political game was initiated by a small group of people. And those small groups of people remain hidden away in their top secret cabals and cults and such. Can we use a time machine to access their wisdom?

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