A Conversation for SashaQ's NaJoPoMo2013
SashaQ's NaJoPoMo 30 - What a Month!
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Nov 30, 2013
And so it is the final day of November, and the final post in this year's NaJoPoMo...
Time for me to say thank you so much to everyone who read my journals - I really appreciate it.
It has been excellent to read other people's journals as well - I can only apologise for not always having chance to respond after I read, and I'm sorry that I probably missed quite a few posts as well, but I did my best. I will check up on people's journals next month, though, and read some more
I am honoured to have gained friends and followers this month, and I have enjoyed some really fascinating discussions, so I learned a lot too. I aim to continue posting journals and reading other people's journals from now on (fortunately not with quite the same intensity as this month ) which will be excellent!
SashaQ's NaJoPoMo 30 - What a Month!
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Nov 30, 2013
Did you manage to do each and every day? I think you did
I wonder how many actualy managed to get a journal entry for every* day of th month
SashaQ's NaJoPoMo 30 - What a Month!
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 30, 2013
[Amy P]
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SashaQ's NaJoPoMo 30 - What a Month!
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