The Post Quiz: Quotable Quotes - Answers

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Quotable Quotes: Answers

Groucho Marx.

Here are the answers. We've provided links to the Edited Guide so that you can read up on these quotable people.

Remember, you can make your friends quotable. Just send your nominations to

(Geggs made me say that.)

  1. There is a Chinese curse which says,

    'May he live in interesting times'.
  2. It ain't over 'til it's over.
  3. To dance is to give oneself up to the rhythms of life.
  4. Some men there are love not a gaping pig;

    Some that are mad if they behold a cat.
  5. Let me assert my firm belief that the only

    thing we have to fear is fear itself.
  6. Man is the Only Animal that Blushes. Or needs to.
  7. It's impossible for me to be happy when I am stripped

    and being asked a lot of questions.
  8. So far as I know, my behaviour at any given moment

    has been nothing more than the product of my genetic endowment,

    my personal history, and the current setting.
  9. Gossip is nature's telephone.
  10. What, then, is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is.

    If I wish to explain it to him who asks me, I do not know.
  1. Robert Kennedy.
  2. Yogi Berra.
  3. Maya V Patel.
  4. Shakespeare.
  5. Franklin Roosevelt.
  6. Mark Twain.
  7. James Thurber.
  8. BF Skinner.
  9. Sholom Aleichem.
  10. Augustine.

Did you know them all? Then you've quite a memory. Remember to share good famous-people quotes in your Guide Entries. And remember to send your h2g2 quotes to QotD! (Okay, okay, we'll stop nagging.)

Lips and tongue, and the words 'say that again?'
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