Chanhassen, Minnesota

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Chanhassen Minnesota is a city located south and west of Minneapolis.
44.85°N 93.55°W

It is situated within two Minnesota counties, Hennepin and Carver. The city is home to the national weather service for the Minneapolis`St. Paul-Bloomington metropolitan statistical area. It is also well known as the homes of The University of Minnesota Arboretum, Chanhassen Dinner Theater, and the music studio, Paisley Park.


Main road routes to and from Chanhassen, include Minnesota TH5, Minnesota TH41, and US212. Minnesota highway 5, is stylized as Arboretum Boulevard, and Minnesota 41 is stylized as Hazeltine Boulevard, as it passes through Chanhassen toward Hazeltine National Golf Course in the adjacent city, Chaska.


There are a multitude of lakes within Chanhassen and nearby without. Popular lakes within Chanhassen include, Ann, Christmas, Lucy, Susan and Minnewashta. Carver County administers a popular regional park at Lake Minnewashta with public beach, boat landings, and off leash dog area. Ann Lake city park has similar beaches and landings.


The city is served by East Carver school district 112. Chanhassen Senior High is located on Lyman Blvd. Transit hubs are located along 5 and 212, with service to Eden Prarie and Minneapolis via Southwestern Transit Authority. Historic downtown Chanhassen has been substatially redeveloped, but is on 78th street, which serves as a byway along highway 5.

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