Tits and why we love them

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What are tits?

Tits are small generally colourful birds of the Paridae family. There are a great number of different species of tit and they are relatively wide spread across the world.

Where to find them.

Tits can be found in many areas of the world and are prevalent in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. The birds are not afraid to make their homes in a wide variety of areas and are not restricted to rural habitats.


Tits are generally social birds that may live in mixed flocks, although they are known to become very territorial during the breading and nesting seasons. The birds are generally friendly and social among other small birds and are wonderful bringers of garden song.


These birds are generally insectivores and will dine on a wide range of garden pests with caterpillars being a firm favourite. They will however eat seeds and berries in the winter when insects become scarce


Generally building their nests in trees although there are a few varieties that will nest on the ground, tits can lay anything between two and fourteen eggs although clutches of as many as nineteen have been reported these are generally rare. Tits are a multibrood bird meaning they will breed more than once a year as long as conditions remain favourable. Tits have been known for nesting in unusual places such as drain pipes and old cars.

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