The Pit Bull

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Also known primarily as The American Pit Bull Terrier or the Staffordshire Terrier, the Pitbull is a mix between the Bulldog and a breed of terrier, usually varying from region to region. Pitt bulls were originally bred to produce a hearty dog that could both work and be willing to work, even with the possibility of injury or death. This need lessened over the years however, and Pitt bulls were kept as pets or guard dogs to guard an owner's family or property, whichever applied. More recently though, Pitt bulls have been one of the main breeds of dog used in illegal dog fighting rings, typically in the United States and Mexico, but other locations as well.
Pit Bulls are known to be some of the more violent dogs in the animal kingdom. This is largely due to media coverage on Pit Bulls, both good and bad. Also, as previously mentioned, many Pit Bulls are known to be fighting dogs, further establishing their roles as violent dogs. However, many people still own them as pets, myself included, despite their violent reputations.

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