A Conversation for h2g2 French Meet in 2013
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Started conversation Feb 3, 2013
Woohoo, I found the thread I was looking for:
and am now subscribed again
As you can see I still frequently use the ancient alabaster skin, as I still find it difficule to navigate around Noohootoo. Don't let that disturb you, though, and for Bob's sake
Since I will become an old age pensioner 1. March (yes, I know, WAY before my time ) I may have a fair chance of attending the meet-up in Reims
I'll start saving up all my
Consider yourself warned
ps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQd7cVWgWyo
Superfrenchie Posted Feb 3, 2013
Thank you for that link, I'm now subscribed too.
I never knew we had such a page!
Good old HooToo, full of surprises!
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