High School Subcultures of America

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American High School Subcultures

There is the popular saying that “birds of a feather flock together.” Perhaps, in 21st century teen life, it might come to mean that those birds flock together to gossip, build muscles and possibly conquer Dungeons and Dragons. Subcultures help to find one’s niche in life, and can determine social status in high school and beyond.  Please note that the names and types may vary across region and high school.


The “Popular Kids” or “Preppies

Whatever you may call them, this group tends to hold quite an influence in the social order. They are the top of the pack and tend to have several followers gathered around them. Each school has its own definition of what this looks like; rich is not necessarily a golden ticket. This can lead to leverage in academics, at which point it’s literally a push and shove existence.

 Jocks or Muscle-heads tend to concentrate on sports, as the name alludes. The media often paints them as dimwitted (some may be) however, most do score well in the classroom, as they may be kicked off their school team otherwise. These kids are basically a coach's dream, and may aim to get in to the national teams. Their muscle may cause them to roughhouse excessively with each other or the lower tiers of subcultures. They may be accompanied by:


Beauty queens: They may or may not be pretty (beauty is in the eyes of the beholder) but these femme fatales tend to overwhelm the general public with their daring seductiveness. They may be seen haunting the pit of whatever boy band is in, and simultaneously trashing them at the same time.  They’re not always dim witted, but if they aren’t, they may be seen as a formidable enemy in the classroom. If they’re mean, they can be a girl’s worst nightmare, or if they’re nice they could be voted Miss. Congeniality.  They might just be both at the same time. The male comparison may be slightly tougher but the outlook is the same. They can be the objects of several romantic comedies.


Social Butterflies: This is the friendliest group, and may be seen taking outings together and looking quite bubbly.  They’re generally the epicenters of gossip and party invites (both of which are only given if they know you well).


Nerds and Geeks

There isn’t much explanation needed for this, however the difference between nerds and geeks does need to be clarified. They’re often used interchangeably, but a nerd is a person whose interests tend to lean towards intellectual pursuits (generally has high grades), while geeks participate in more niche activities such as various fandoms and fascinations like Star Trek and manga.  Below are more subtypes of this varied group.

Left brained nerds: These make up the majority of stereotypes about nerds. They are usually affiliated to math and scientific pursuits such as Mathletes2 or Science Olympiad.  This is perceived as being the most socially inept subtype but they can collaborate with their friends in accomplishing some of the most intelligent ideas known to man. Take Mark Zuckerberg, who launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm. Now, that’s a social math nerd.


Literature Geeks: Whether they write it or read it, they have an innate sense of the written word. You’ll often find them quoting from various works, both popular and obscure, and lunchtimes tend to become brown bag book clubs.  They'll either adore or abhor drama, depending on how literary it is and how outgoing they are.


Science Fiction Geek: Like their similarly disposed brethren they are prone to spend hours in their room reading, but they enjoy playing the games and watching the movies of the aforementioned genre; the more social ones may attend conventions.

Comic Book Geek: Called “Otaku” in Japan, these fellows harbor a huge collection and obsession (they go hand in hand, don’t they) for anime, manga and comics. They tend to spend hours dusting the special editions of their shelves and perfecting their own artistic skills.


Artsy Fellows

This is practically creativity central, this group would be voted most likely to create a museum-worthy art. Whether their dancing, singing, or performing, their muse is at the forefront of their mind.

Music Geeks: This is the group for all people who take an instrument, they're usually found jamming, composing or listening to music (if they're not doing any of these, they must be tuning). In general, most teenagers play instruments in the band or orchestra, and believe it or not, this can really affect their mindset. While band geeks are fairly carefree, orchestral players are somewhat perfectionistic due to the high demand called for in that music. Band people also lean toward the social side while most orchestra players are content to play on their own. Well, at least we know what they're listening to.


Punks:  Usually characterized by their grungy leather attire, this group will often be seen moshing wildly in the pits of heavy metal concerts, while having their own bodies pierced. May hang out in the boondocks of the lunchroom, their heads nodding rhythmically to Ozzy Osborne.


Actors and Actresses: All the world's a stage for these teens. You'll often hear them sporting the immortal "To be or not to be..." Their getup is often whatever their current alter ego is wearing or the black attire of an extra (eyeliner and mascara optional). At lunch, they can be found rehearsing their lines, or if you're lucky, you may find them in front of the bathroom mirrors.


Performers: This is so rampant in Art schools, it's merely a way of life, but these talented people have a mind of their own. The dancers are quite dedicated to their craft; certainly expect random bouts of whirling movement. The singers, from opera to country, are found humming or singing under their breath little ear worms1 that never disappear.

Miscellaneous Characters

Apart from standard subcultures mentioned previously, there are always some that stand out, not always loud, but proud.


Goths/Emo: This originated in England, and is known for their dark fashion and music. As one researcher noticed, "This group is the most taunted, but also the bravest."

Their fashion leans from Edwardian & Victorian styles, to the eponymous black leather and metal of the rocker generation. It involves an acceptance of inner darkness, and these witty misanthropes observe the world through their own dark shades. The idea that goths are just morbid is completely untrue. They're generally calm, nice people, but they won't pretend to be something they aren't. 


Skaters: As the name suggests, this group arises from the mutual enjoyment of skateboarding or roller-skating. They'd be mostly found at the local skate park, the latest jams blasting through their ears. Their agility makes them able to keep up with the jocks, and the devil-may-care attitude has them at great terms with the punk rock ensemble. Their scars from falling off their board are revered as a right of passage; they're never off the wheels.


Hippies: Comparable to bohemians, this subculture encourages free thought and spirit, along with a strong penchant for environmentalism and activism. They are usually volunteering, protesting or listening to the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix, but their bright spirits tend to revolutionize whatever environment they're in.


Dorks: These people may not have a society to call their own, but their individuality ends up serving them well in the long run because they'll be unrestricted by society.  They are often on the receiving end of acts of violence perpetuated by unruly teens, but it’s probably the dorks who’ll be laughing in the end; what happens in secondary school stays in secondary school.


This list is by no means binding, and as of now, many new cultures are constantly evolving. It’s no wonder that the teenage years are a tumultuous time of self-discovery. How do you identify?

1: Songs that get stuck in your head
2: A math competition 

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