Life Is a Musical Okay, maybe not. There are some people who feel that life would be better if set to music. One of them appears to be Russell Crowe, these days. Another might possibly be Awix, who has outted himself as an old softie with his review. Whether you liked Les Mis, hated it, ran screaming out of the cinema and wish you could scrub your memory banks, or go around humming all the tunes, you'll still enjoy this week's Post. Admittedly, we do quote a few songs at you now and again, but we think they're all innocuous compared to movie musicals.
About those headers, though: we won't link to it, but if you Youtube around, you can find Dean Martin singing that song to a pair of chimpanzees. It's worth it. (If you're Irish, you can listen to Deanna Durbin. Nobody else will.)
So, down to serious Stuff. What have we got? Poetry. MVP has taken up the January Create challenge in a fascinating way. Cartoons. As usual, our artwork and wit [? Who wrote that?] boldly go where no 'zine has gone before. A quiz. About folk music, which may drive you back to Russell Crowe. Wildlife and nature, neighbours and friends, online pastimes, and a horse eating a hat. It's culture, so appreciate.
You will note that there's a challenge coming up in February. You are expected to clean out that drawer – you know, the one with the family photos in. And write something for us. We think you'll find it worthwhile. We know we're looking forward to the submissions.
So, let our contributors sing for their supper, be it in the shower or aboard the ISS. Read, enjoy, and comment.
Have a good week, friends!
Dmitri Gheorgheni