The Cosmic Uncertainty Principle

1 Conversation

You are real, right?

Wrong. Well, not exactly. The truth is nobody knows, not even you.

This is, in this writer's opinion, the most obvious evidence of just how absurd the universe, nay, all of creation is. For every piece of information we do know, there are billions upon billions of pieces where we haven't got a clue at all.

For example, how do you know we are not all just the mental creations of a brain in a jar in someone's lab? We don't, and as far as we know we can't possibly know. This is probably the human race's greatest failing; the fact that they are so focused on the little things, say, building a robot that is smarter than they are, that they can't be bothered to look at the bigger questions such as 'why are we here?'

I don't even know why I'm writing this article right now. Maybe I'm just a figment of some primordial God's imagination. Maybe I'm a figment of my own imagination. Who knows?

Who cares?

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