The question of when human life begins has been raised a lot in the last few decades in the debate surrounding abortion. The legal limit for abortion ranges in many countries from between 12 and 24 weeks. The world record for a pre-term child surviving is when it was born at 21 weeks and 5 days. This raises the interesting ethical question of the beginning of life. If a child survives after being born at 21 weeks, does it have the same human rights as a child born later? In many countries, when a foetus is delivered before 23 weeks, the doctors are not required to attempt to save its life, as it legally isn't alive. What if a foetus was delivered a few minutes before the 24 week limit? Are the doctors expected to aid it in survival or not?
People of many religions hold that conception is the time when a mystical process of 'ensoulment' occurs. When this happens, an individual becomes a person and has a spiritual identity. This is often the religious conception of life.
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