Introduction to Homeopathy
Created | Updated Sep 19, 2012
1. Principle of Similar (1796)
2. Law of Minimum Dose (1801)
3. Law of Simplex (1810)
4. Arndt-Schultz Law (1887)
5. Individualisation
6. Progress of cure in Chronic Diseases (1828)
7. Theory of Chronic Miasms (1828)
8. Preventive Medicine (1799)
9. Potentisation (1801)
10. Doctorine of Vital Force (1833)
11. Dynamisation (1837)
Homeopathy originated in Germany by Dr. Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (10 April 1755 Germany- 2 July 1843 France). He received his M.D. with honors in conventional medicine from University of Erlangen, Germany on 10 Aug 1779. The birth date of the founder and father of Homeopathy i.e. 10 April every year is celebrated as ‘ World Homeopathy Day ‘ and the week following his birthday is celebrated as ‘World Homeopathy Awareness Week’ all through out thr world. The term 'homeopathy was first mentioned in a paper [6] in 1807.
Health is not just merely an absence of disease but a state of equilibrium of the vital force that keeps the constitution of an individual in harmony.
Disease is dynamic disposition (alteration) in harmony of constitution (due to dis-arrangement of vital force) not just the physio-chemical alteration of tissues.
Cure is “the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, based on easily comprehensible principles” [1]
1. Principle of similars: Similia Similibus Curentur i.e. Let likes be treated by likes
The drug which manifest the “likeness” i.e. most likely to cure or relieve a case of disease is that which when administered to a healthy person, has shown itself capable of producing symptoms which most closely resemble those of the case of disease.
In other words, the specific curative property of a drug lies in its power of producing similar (not identical) symptoms in a healthy individual i.e. the drugs have sickness-making as well as sickness curing properties, the sickness being the same [7].
Critics of Homeopathy point out that Principle of similars is limited to homeopathy only. But it is not so. Hyoscyamine (an alkaloid of Hyoscyamus, in homeopathy we have medicine by the name Hyoscyamus Niger) is today given to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel, which very symptoms it produces in both toxicological and provings records [10]
2. Law of minimum dose: Less is More
The ‘similar’ remedy must be given in minimum (smallest possible) dose which is sufficient to stimulate the vitality and evoke a natural healing response to bring about the necessary curative change in a patient.
The patient is as sensitive to the medicine as to the disease. If the medicine is used in large quantities or in too crude a form then we can actually make the symptoms worse i.e an aggravation of the patient’s condition/disease [8].
Critics of Homeopathy points out that the minimum dose in homeopathy is zero dose. But this is not so. Homeopathic medicines are available in both below (hormetic) as well as above (beyond avogram i.e. the reciprocal of avogadro number) avogadro limit. The probability of finding a molecule (chemical or physical trace) of the original substance above avogadro limit is extremely small, but not zero.
3. Law of simplex: One single medicine for the patient at any given time
Two dynamic agencies together can never effect that which each individually might administered at different times? [2]
[2] In 1797 in his essay, Hahnemann said, “Are the obstacles to the attainment of simplicity and certainty in Practical Medicine insurmountable?” He wrote, “Is it good to mix various kinds of medicines in a prescription? He further asked, “How can medicine attain a higher degree of certainty, when the doctor seems intent only on allowing a number of miscellaneous forces to be exerted at the same time on a pathological state?.
Critics of Homeopathy points out that why we need to give only one medicine at a time for more than one complaint. There are two reasons for this.
1. Homeopathy is of the view that disease is the disturbance of the whole organism. The parts of the body do not independently get sick [11]. It is the whole person who is affected by the disease and it is the whole person who responds to the medicine [11]. So in homeopathy, there is no different medicines for different organs of the body. Homeopaths, those who practice classical homeopathy, give one medicine at a time for various complaints of the bosy occuring at the same time.
2. The next question arises why to give only one medicine even if there is a single complaint. The answer to this is if we give a combination medicine (more than one medicine), how would a physician ensure which one of them has acted on the body. When more than one dynamic forces (medicine) acts on the body, its exremely difficult to know which of them has acted beneficialy.
4. Arndt-Schultz Law
This pharmacological principle was concurrently discovered by two separate researchers, Rudolf Arndt, a homeopath and Hugo Schultz (Professor of Pharmacology at University of Greifswald, Germany), a conventional scientist.
It states that, “Weak stimuli slightly accelerate the vital activity, medium-strong stimuli raise it, strong ones suppress it and very strong ones halt it”.
In simple words, ‘Minimal (minute: below its toxicity threshold) doses (weak stimuli) of a drug stimulate (increases physiological activity), medium doses inhibit or suppress and large doses (strong stimuli) abolish/destroy cellular activity.’ For example Schultz published examples such as very weak concentrations of iodine, bromine, mercuric chloride and arsenic acid will enhance the development of yeast (fungus), moderate dosages of these elements will suspend it and large dosages will kill it. Arndt and Schulz also experimented on yeast with Merc, cor., Iodine, Bromium and Salicylic acid and showed that in the weak doses these substances increase the multiplication of yeasts, yet strong doses kill them [9].
5. Progress of cure in Chronic Diseases
The cure progresses from above (top of the body) downwards (bottom), from within outwards, center to periphery, from more important organ (wisdom of the body heals those most vital to life first) to less important one, in reverse order of coming of the symptoms(presenting symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their appearance i.e. First In Last Out, so old symptoms might resurface).
6.Theory of Chronic Miasms
Hahnemann said, “On board ships – in those confined spaces, filled with mouldy watery vapours, the cholera-miasm finds a favourable element for its multiplication, and grows into an enormously increased brood of those excessively minute, invisible, living creatures, so inimical to human life, of which the contagious matter of the cholera most probably consists millions of those miasmatic animated beings, which, at first developed on the broad marshy banks or the tepid Ganges– on board these ships, I say, this concentrated aggravated miasm kills several of the crew ..." [3]
Hahnemann identified three diseases which, if the symptoms were suppressed, led to other long-lasting (chronic) conditions and predispositions to illness. These three diseases he called:
1. Psora (Greek for itch) – the ‘itch’ disease arising from scabies. The one arising from Scabies was called Psora or non-venereal miasm.
The other two were called venereal miasms as they arose from sexual conduct.
2. Syphilis – The one arising from Syphilis was called Syphilitic miasm
3. Sycosis (Greek for fig since this disease produces fig-like warts) – gonorrhoea. The one from Gonorrhea was called Sycotic miasm.
7. Preventive Medicine/Homeopathic Prophylaxis : Like Prevents Like
A remedy that is given in advance of illness will prevent the disease it will cure [4].
Preventive use of homeopathy was first applied in 1799 during an epidemic of scarlet fever in Königslütter, Germany, when Dr. Hahnemann prescribed a single dose of Belladona, as the remedy of the epidemic genius to susceptible children in the town with morethan 95% success rate .
8. Potentisation:
Potentisation is a pharmaceutical process of preparing a homeopathy medicine (in type-2 borosilicate (96.4%) glass vials) which brings out the qualitative change in the substance which is potentised [5]. It involves preparation of Mother Tincture from adding the original drug substance in a hydro-alcoholic solution or sugar of milk (lactose) if it is insoluble, successive serial dilution and succussion/trituration of the mixture after each dilution.
9. Doctrine of Vital Force
Vitalism is the metaphysical doctrine that living organisms possess a non-physical bio-energetic self-powered inner inborn force that gives them the property of life. i.e. it maintains the vital operations, sensation and functions in all parts of material body and regulates the body’s self-healing capabilities. Being invisible, and recognisable solely by its effect on the organism, vital force can express itself and reveal its un-tunement only by pathological manifestations in feeling and function in the form of symptoms.
10. Dynamisation
It is an increased number of succussions to continually strengthen or intensify the potency without further dilution. Dynamisation did not allow the patient to have drug dependency.With wet doses (1833) and dynamisation (1837) together, the potency is intensified to continually provide the stimulus to the body.
[1] Hahnemann S. Organon da arte de curar. 6th ed. São Paulo: Robe; 1996.
[2] Samuel Hahnemann: his life and work, Richard Haehl, pp.68-70 Reference Link
[3] Samuel Hahnemann, Appeal to Thinking Philanthropists Respecting the Mode of Propagation of the Asiatic Cholera, Leipzig, 1831, translated by Roberet Ellis Dudgeon, M.D. in The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann, 1851 edition, B Jain Publishers, reproduced edition, 2002, p. 758.
[4] The Principles of Homeopathy, Bernie Simon Reference Link
[5] Homeopathy Explained,
[6] Indications of the Homeopathic Employment of Medicines in Ordinary Practice, Journal of Practical Medicine, Vol. 26, Part 2, p. 5-43, 1807.
[7] History of Medicine with special reference to Homoeopathy, B.K. Sarkar, Sept. 1949, Essays on Homoeopathy, Hahnemann Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, Calcutta, India, 1968.
[8] Hahnemann’s Search For The Perfect Potency, Richard H. Pitcairn , Hpathy Ezine, October, 2011,
[9] A.C.Dutta, Homoeopathy in the Light of Modern Science, 4th ed., B. Jain Publishers
[10] George Vithoulkas,
[11] Dr. Dooley, Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine,