Mom or Tesla?

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Some might think it was their Mom, but who do you think had the greatest impact on your life?

Nicola Tesla could have changed your life more than your Mom did. Why do I suggest Tesla could have been so influential? Perhaps you do not even know who Tesla was. Wasn’t he that loony Engineer who never made his death ray work? What would have your life have been like with DC electrical power instead of AC power? For one thing, power would have been very expensive. In first world countries, AC Electrical power changed our working hours, the amount of products we could produce, and powered modern technology.

As a young man still in school, Nicola’s professors told him that his idea would never work and that he was wasting his time trying to make it work. Other great people had tried and found it “impossible.” Nicola persisted. It took time but years later, the time to make the concept work was now overdue. How many great ideas have been delayed or derailed by well meaning mentors?

Tesla moved from Europe to work with Edison. Tesla admired Edison until they tried to work together. The icon of electricity, T. A. Edison was dead set against Tesla’s plan, the plan that powered our future. The fact was that because Edison was making money selling his DC plan there developed a very high profile “Battle of the Currents.”

A turning point in the history of electrical power occurred at the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1892-1893. The J. P. Morgan/T. A. Edison team bid almost two-million dollars to power and light that Exposition. The Westinghouse/Tesla team bid less than a half-million dollars.

This was the first time most people had ever seen the buildings themselves being lit up at night. The sight was awe inspiring for many visitors. You can see some nighttime images at:

The success at the Columbian Exposition was a springboard for the Westinghouse/Tesla team to win a contract to build the first electrical power generating plant at Niagara Falls. From that point forward, Tesla’s “Polyphase System” powered the world.

Alas, History was not so kind to Tesla, I wonder why.

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