The Post Quiz: Famous Writers' Dust Jacket Photos

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August is summer reading month. You've read the latest best-sellers, and seen those nifty author photos on the dust jackets. Can you recognise these classic authors from their photos?

The Post Quiz: Famous Writers' Dust Jacket Photos

These photo labels are mismatched – the editorial assistant put them out of order. Match the photo with the correct author's name.

1. Name this famous writer. a. Friedrich Schiller
(author of the EU anthem)
2. Name this famous writer. b. Lewis Carroll
3. Name this famous writer. c. Lew Wallace
(author of Ben Hur)
4. Name this famous writer. d. Alfred Lord Tennyson
5. Name this famous writer. e. William Shakespeare
6. Name this famous writer.  f. Sholem Aleichem
7. Name this famous writer.  g. Alexandre Dumas
8. Name this famous writer.  h. Mark Twain
9. Name this famous writer.  i. George Sand
10. Name this famous writer.  j. Leo Tolstoy

Think you knew them all? Click on the writing tools below to find out.

Cuneiform writing: a stylus makes wedge-shaped impressions in clay.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

20.08.12 Front Page

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