Botany Bay, South Carolina, USA

1 Conversation

I wrote a poem about Botany Bay, SC. This is my first poem in free verse.

Through the gravel road the car rolls,

Within the canopy of fluttering green.

Sleepy Spanish moss dangle from the branches,

Swampy marshes squelch and gurgle,

The crash of the waves can be heard for miles, Botany Bay.

The Rules and Regulations are clearly posted,

No shelling, No trespassing after dark,

The most important rule?

Don't feed or harass the alligators.

My biased brain wondered,

Is there a rule for them, 

That says not to eat or harass the humans?

The car stops,

On the path to the beach.

'Gulls call, hungrily anxious

Stepping on the wooden bridge peering down,

Scuttling crabs run into a hole,

Finally entering onto the path,

Grasses run wild through the desolate terrain,

Buzzing mosquitoes, relentlessly malicious,

Look for their meal of virginal blood.

The sultry air is thick with heat,

Sea breeze drifts past, thinning it out. 

A great, green grassy hill stands,

Surrounded by whispering trees.

Palmetto trees layer the outskirts,

A jeep sits expectantly, waiting to be driven,

Along the sandy trails.

At last, the foamy water is in site.

The shells hang like apples,

I feel like a fox who cannot reach the grapes,

The deafening crash greets my entrance.

Contorted trees stooped awkwardly.

The sea is wide in its ever encompassing grandeur,

Strong currents threaten to dislodge.

The wave aggressively slaps my legs,

A rival looking for a fight.

Battle stances are struck childishly,

In reality, no one can resist the pull of the ocean.

As a father to all, it shows many facets,

Gentle or playful, aggressive or deadly,

An emerging silence is interrupted again.

Constant, yet unpredictable.

Deep blue is scarily mesmerizing.

Murmuring a silent wish,

Carried away into the horizon.

Twisted trees stand proud,

Eying a formidable force,

Defying natural will.

Following its own.

Stealing one last breath, going back whence I came.

The branches and ocean sway as one.

Driving past the wide plantations,

Houses sit empty, a solitary ghost town.

Reminders of slaves and masters,

Forging a life within.

Ancient voices breathe history,

SeaCloud families reunite in death,

Passing down tales of woe and mystery,

Botany Bay stands, a timeless testament,

To history, to future.

One Soul.
One Spirit.

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