The Post Quiz: Mythological Creatures
Created | Updated Aug 27, 2012
On the heels of NOAA's announcement that there are absolutely, positively, no such things as mermaids, the Post invites you to test your awareness of imaginary zoology.
The Post Quiz: Mythological Creatures
Have you seen any of these critturs lately? Answer the questions.
- Which mythical sea creature features in the coat of arms of the West Dorset District Council?
- A wyvern.
- A mermaid.
- A football-predicting octopus.
- A winged turtle.
- According to myths circulated by unreliable people, such as Leonardo da Vinci, the deadly basilisk would kill you as soon as look at you. In fact, it could kill you by looking at you. What animal did Leonardo suggest you send down the basilisk hole to kill this deadly voyeuristic serpent?
- A dachshund.
- A weasel.
- A cat.
- A rabbit.
- What kind of unusual beasts are you likely to encounter in the Munich Hunting Museum?
- Dragons. They slew a lot of them in Bavaria.
- Irish elks shot by former Munich Bürgermeister.
- Wolpertinger. They even have their spoor.
- Killer sheep. They've migrated from the Scottish highlands.
- Which mythical beast sucks goats in Puerto Rico?
- The chimera.
- The zorro.
- The megalodion.
- The chupacabra.
- Which mythical beast was probably invented because of culture shock?
- The chupacabra.
- The centaur.
- The flying dragon.
- The Wolpertinger.
- According to folklore, what do Romanian dragons (zmei) do with the maidens they abduct?
- Eat them with cucumber sauce.
- Force them to sing to attract strigoi.
- Hold them for ransom.
- Marry them.
- What renowned figure admitted to believing in sasquatch in a conversation with NPR1's Ira Flatow?
- Richard Dawkins.
- Jane Goodall.
- Stephen Hawking.
- Steve Irwin.
- Where might you look for Mokele-mbeme?
- In the North Sea.
- In the Himalayas.
- In Papua New Guinea.
- In the Congo.
- What does the Festa da Coca in Redondela, Spain, celebrate?
- The sailing of the Spanish Armada.
- An exorcism of wyverns by the Spanish Inquisition.
- The defeat of a sea monster by dancing girls.
- An angel/UFO sighting.
- What is a Cadborosaurus?
- An advertising gimmick dreamed up by a chocolate company.
- The only brown fish in the New Jersey aquarium.
- An aquatic Wolpertinger.
- A debated cryptid spotted in British Columbia.
To see how you did, please click on this total genuine picture of a halosaurus below (courtesy of Willem, resident cryptozoological illustrator).