Create: Sports/Fitness - Host page

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This entry here keeps track of who has registered for this challenge, what they've gone for, and whether or not they've succeeded. EG entries, Post or Journal entries.

The host page for this challenge is Create: Sport and Personal Fitness.


This list includes anything on sports generally, or anything about the Olympics, history of sports or even famous places linked to sports or the Olympics. The following people have registered an interest in sport.

This list includes entries about personal fitness, or about fitness generally - a personal history or anything about the topic. This category includes individual feats of fitness done for charity or other non-competition event.

  • BlueBottle (U43530) - 66 miles Solent coast cycle ride - post entry

  • Ramya Krishna Mulugu (U14997053) - Ramya Running - In journal

  • Apologies stand for being unable to link directly to Ramya's journal - what can you do? Well you can follow that U-number there are go take a look and comment on her interesting tale.

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