The Mart & ian Show. Guide to planet Earth.

1 Conversation

Mart: Are you sure it's okay to talk about earthlings...freely?
ian : Why yes Mart, quite safe. Think about it, it would take them 9 months to reach us ;-)
Mart: Ah yes, the time it takes for one of their earthlings to hatch.
ian : I belive they call them babies, Mart.

Mart: Oh, ok. So what's today's topic?
ian : Well, you are not going to believe this but they are still repairing themselves with -you better sit down Mart-each other's body parts!
Mart: No way!
ian : Yup. They transfer organs from one human to another.
Mart: Erm, just checking here ian, my extra sensory guide says,you're of 2012, humans are still doing transplants from one human to...gosh ian, do you think we should say something?
ian : Sure. Look what happened last time!
Mart: Well true, but they let you out of the wardrobe eventually...
ian : Nope. Stuff 'em, I say.
Mart: Hmm, see your point. So what the hell are they doing with the umbilical cord blood, hmm? Making tea?
ian : Honestly Mart, you DO NOT want to know...

Mart: Now, what about this party tonight? You decided what you're wearing?
ian : Well, my retina shades for a start. Honestly, Neptune,she'll do anything to get all the attention.
Mart:We should never have pointed out those cute humans with binoculars.
ian :Talking of which...come and look...There's that nice Mr Branston.
Mart:Branson, ian, Branson and don't upset him, he'll be at the party.

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