Terminology for English Language GCSE
Created | Updated May 2, 2012
.... Hyperbole: “Exaggeration without meaning to deceive” I spent a year sat behind that definition. It’s saying something is bigger, better or more impressive than it really is, (Ice-creams in Italy are massive)
>.... Metephor: Describing one thing as another without the use of comparative words 'like' and 'as'. (The stormy head teacher towered over the student)
>.... Onomatopoeia: words that sound like the thing they describe (Crash, Plop, Slither)
.... Personification: Giving an inanimate object the properties of a human or animal. (The pen ran off the table and hid behind the folder)
.... Repetition: saying the same phrase or word several times in close succession, and saying it again, and again and again...you get the picture.
Rhetorical questions: questions asked in a text. They don’t really need an answer. They’re there to make you think. (Don’t you think English is boring?)
>.... Short Sentences: An obvious one, used to pick up the pace and make things dramatic
>.... Simile: Comparing one thing to another. (The alien has eyes like saucers)