Time Travell

2 Conversations

Time Travell

To quote the h2g2 original books "by it's own nature, time travell was discovered simultaneously at all times."
Judging by the fact that we haven't been confronted by cavemen/superbeings, I'd guess it didn't/hadn't/wont/shant/can't hapen.

Then why does everyone write about it?

Who wouldn't want to change things in the past! You could drive anyone crazy who would/is annoying you/stealing lunch money/beating you up, before they actually got around to doing it. This also brings up the paradox that then you wouldn't have actually gone and done it in the first place.

Isn't the 4th dimension time?

Who knows! Maybe there is time travell and we're just between two walls in the 4th D that keep everyone from getting to us! Maybe we don't even exist in 4D! Maybe monkeys are just humans from the past who found a time machine, got here, and then tried to eat it and got stuck here.

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